SDA in Caboolture, QLD
This Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in Caboolture features 1 bedroom in a High Physical Support 4 bedroom house

Property Type
4 bedroom house including separate on-site overnight assistance (OOA)

High Physical Support

About the SDA property
This Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in Caboolture features 1 High Physical Support bedroom in a 4 bedroom house, including separate on-site overnight assistance (OOA).
The room offers 24/7 client centered care, fully qualified and experienced staff providing a wide range of support.
*To be eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation, you will need to be a NDIS participant and your plan needs to include approved Specialist Disability Accommodation Funding. If you are unsure if you qualify, have a chat with your NDIS coordinator or call us on 1300 303 770.
Pets Allowed
Wheelchair Accessible
Accessible Features
Ceiling Hoist
Strong walls, doors, glass and soundproofing
Built-in Wardrobes
What’s nearby?
308m to the nearest train station at Caboolture Station, Caboolture QLD, Australia.
197m to the nearest shopping centre at Caboolture Square, King Street, Caboolture QLD, Australia.
3km to the nearest medical practice (GP) at Kings Circle Medical Centre, King Street, Caboolture QLD, Australia.