CHSP vs HCP - help!
The Australian Government recently announced 80,000 more home care packages will be released by 2023 so that senior Australians can access the support they need to live in their own home.
So, what are the differences between CHSP and HCP, and which one is right for you?

CHSP — Commonwealth Home Support Package
What it is
CHSP subsidises entry-level care services that help senior Australians live in their home; things like cleaning, cooking and the occasional home repair.
You organise these services yourself as you need them.
Who it’s for
CHSP is for senior Australians who need a little bit of support to remain in their home. It’s generally intended for people who need one or two services.
You might be eligible if you are:
- 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)
- 50 years or older and on a low income, homeless or at risk of being homeless (45 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)
- Having some trouble with things like getting out of bed or walking around, preparing meals, taking medicine, driving or taking public transport, or managing your money.
If you’re having a lot of difficulty with basic daily tasks, consider a home care package [link to subheading].
What are the costs
You don’t have to pay anything to apply, but you’re expected to contribute to the cost of services if you can afford to.
Providers set their own prices for CHSP services and your contribution is on a per-service basis. You don’t have to already be accessing CHSP to find a provider for what you need and contact them to get an idea of costs. Find out more about the service costs of CHSP.
If you can’t afford to contribute, providers have policies in place for people experiencing financial difficulties.
HCP — Home Care Package
What it is
Home care packages are funding for more complex care needs.
There are four tiers of HCP funding for different levels of care needed:
- Level 1, basic care needs — $9,026.45 a year
- Level 2, low care needs — $15,877.50 a year
- Level 3, intermediate care needs — $34,550.90 a year
- Level 4, high care needs — $52,377.50 a year.
Depending on the level of package you receive, you can use your funding for services that keep you well and safe in your home, and connected to your community. This might include support with buying groceries and preparing meals, cleaning and repairs, personal care and grooming, or transport and support in the community.
You choose a service provider who can coordinate these services for you. Here at Claro, we work with you to identify the supports you need and want, and how involved you want to be in organising them.
Who it’s for
Home Care Packages are for senior Australians who need more complex and ongoing support than what’s funded through the CHSP, or younger people with disability who have care needs not met through other services.
Your financial situation doesn’t affect your eligibility, but you will go through a financial assessment with Services Australia to find out how much support you need.
What are the costs
You’re expected to contribute to service costs if you’re able to. This contribution is made up of three parts:
- A basic daily rate — up to $10.85 based on your package level. Not all providers ask for this.
- Income-tested care fee — up to $31.14. Whether you pay this, and how much of it you pay, will be determined by the financial assessment mentioned above. There are limits on how much you have to pay in a year and your lifetime.
- Additional service costs. This will generally be an additional contribution to a particularly costly service not otherwise covered by your package — things like significant home modifications.
If you can’t afford contributions, providers have policies for people experiencing financial difficulty.
Next steps to access funding
Find out if you are eligibile for aged care services.
If you are eligible for aged care funding, you can apply for an assessment online or call 1800 200 422 for help. Someone will call you within three weeks to arrange a detailed assessment.
After your assessment, you’ll receive a letter outlining the services you’re eligible to receive.
If you already have your funding package and need a service coordinator, talk to us and we’ll work with you to find the services and supports you want to stay comfortable at home.